Lighting equipment
Auxiliary lighting equipment includes: electric flashlights, accumulators and galvanic batteries, bulbs and discharge lamps, special lamps, infrared and ultraviolet heaters.
Electric flashlights are produced in a very diverse assortment, depending on the purpose, type and number of batteries as a power source, etc..
Electrical elements cooperating with flashlights are round or flat galvanic batteries. A battery is a set of cells, which are connected in series in a common housing and are a source of direct current. A series connection of an electrical circuit is such a combination of elements, in which the same current flows through each element.
Bulbs and discharge lamps are one of the basic assortment groups of lighting equipment.
In light bulbs, electromagnetic radiation in the visible band (380-780 Nm) is caused by a body heated to a temperature of ok. 2400-2900 K due to current flow. The light-emitting element is the tungsten filament, installed in the bulb of a glass bulb (drawing).
Drawing. Bulb construction: 1 — filament, 2 — supports, 3 — current guides, 4 — post, 5 — leg, 6 — pump tube, 7 — bubble, 8 — cast, 9 — cap.
Modern incandescent bulbs have bulbs filled with gas or a mixture of inert gases. Most often it is argon (krypton) with a small amount of nitrogen, which ensures significant durability of tungsten wire, as well as increases electrical puncture strength. Less powerful bulbs (into 25 In) are mostly vacuum bulbs.
In addition to conventional types of incandescent lamps, halogen lamps are also produced, whose bulb is filled with a special gas mixture with the addition of halogen compounds (halogen family: fluor F, chlor, Cl, brom Br, iodine J.). Depending on the application, the glass bulbs can be transparent, colorful, opal or specular.
The cap is part of the bulb, which is used to fix it in the housing. The most common type of shanks are (drawing):
Drawing. Types of handles: a) screw fittings with Edison thread, marked with the symbol E, b) bayonet, marked with the symbol B.
— Edison thread shaft, marked with the symbol E,
— bayonet shaft, marked with the symbol B; used for bulbs operating under continuous shock conditions, for example. car bulbs.
Basic electrical parameters, characterizing the bulbs are: Voltage, current power and durability of the light source (T). Time, in which the light source shone until extinction, is referred to as the durability of the source and determined in hours. Filament lamps intended for general lighting purposes, so-called. main series, have a rated voltage 230 V, power (15) 25 – 1500 W and typical durability (Declared) ok. 1000 hours.
Transformation, in which light sources emit visible radiation energy from the supplied electricity, can be done in different ways:
• if the light generation in the bulbs is carried out by heating the filament to a glowing state, then all such bulbs are classified as incandescent lamps;
• if light is produced by excitation of atoms or molecules in an ionized and diluted gas, during the flow of electric current, then we are dealing with discharge lamps - they include mercury lamps, sodium, fluorescent lamps.
Fluorescent lamps are filled with thinned argon and mercury vapor. Straight or bent glass tubes inside are coated with chemicals, which glow when exposed to electromagnetic radiation. The seller should pay attention to the customers, that fluorescent lamps work together with additional devices, i.e.. ballast and ignitor.
A modern variety of fluorescent lamps, which has an igniter, and sometimes the ballast is mounted in the housing, there are compact fluorescent lamps, commonly known as energy saving light bulbs. They create a pleasant atmosphere, emit light of similar color and quality, like traditional light bulbs. Compact fluorescent lamps consume 5 times less energy than incandescent lamps, and their declared durability is 10 times greater (drawing).
Drawing. Comparison of a traditional light bulb with an energy-saving compact fluorescent lamp.
Pay attention when giving advice when selling compact fluorescent lamps, that they cannot work in conjunction with dimmers. The bulbs should not have defects that would deteriorate their appearance and reduce their operational usefulness.
The highlighted bulb must have essential characters: trademark, rated size and power. The packaging should be permanently marked with the product name, with tension, amperage, cap type, for example. E40 (which means diameter threaded shank 40 Mm), standard number, a sign of safety.
During transport and storage, bulbs should be protected primarily against mechanical damage and precipitation.